Thursday, February 7, 2013

Shepard’s Top 10 Movies--2012

1. Django—I dislike long movies, but I didn’t want this one to end.  Extended, fully developed scenes .  Astounding writing and acting.  Lots of actors I thought were long dead had bit parts. 

2. Life of Pi—Spectacular and suspenseful family fantasy with a point.  I think. 

3. Jack Reacher—Old-fashioned rollicking private eye flick combining suspense, humor…and Tom Cruise.

4. The Way—Diverse and interesting people on a three month walk in the Pyrenees.  Wish I could have been one of them.

5. Stand Up Guys—Pacino, Arkin and Walken.  Very funny yet serious movie about aging friends facing moral dilemmas.

6. Skyfall—Another spare-no-expense James Bond thriller.

7. Taken 2—Liam Niesen single-handedly slays dozens of Albanians in picturesque Istanbul.

8. Bernie—Was this supposed to be so funny?  Jack Black would be funny in a Holocaust movie.

9. 2016-Obama’s America—D’Sousa catches Obama blundering into admitting what he’s really up to.

10. Moonrise Kingdom—Bill Murray is hilarious in the quirky, witty film.